Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Physics World!

Kelsie and her friend, Jessica spent 12, yes 12 hours straight working on their Physics project Saturday night. Last year Nolan had to build a bridge out of spaghetti and glue for physics get an A it had to hold 100 pounds. Of course Randy was involved with this one...actually at one point we had 6 people working on has become much more demanding since I was there a hundred years ago!!! After I spent the day scrappin' with my SBF ladies, I was up until 1 am baking for our trip to Belton...they were up until 3:30am!! That's when I heard the cheers after their project worked all the way through after resetting it numerous times! Check it out...

1 comment:

Pam Sivage said...

ok That is the greatest thing I have even seen! What great thinking was involved in that!! WTG!!